6 Ways to Land Your Dream Job
December 7th, 2020
According to the 2019 APS Employee Census, most Australian employees are happy with their jobs, believe in their employers ‘values and feel committed to their goals. They are also satisfied with the job conditions and feel they are part of the team. Many other employees feel that their job does not give them the opportunity to use their skills or contribute ideas. They are not happy abou....Read More

How to Simplify and Optimise Your Hiring Process
November 24th, 2020
Right now, the ever-evolving hiring concept is becoming more complex. The modern recruitment methods that use technology and social media may bring better results than the traditional hiring methods. Digital employment is here to stay, but there is more to it than that. Hiring employees checklist published on business.gov.au shows that even small business owners needs to do more work than writing job des....Read More

Key Trends Increasing Temporary Labour Hire
September 23rd, 2019
Youngbrook Recruitment is a registered labour hire provider in Queensland, with over 23 years of experience in the recruitment and selection of skilled temporary labour hire staff throughout Brisbane and wider Queensland. Using our extensive industry experience, Youngbrook Recruitment shares the current trends that are leading the labour force towards a more temporary approach. ....Read More

Temporary Employment and Labour Hire: Pros and Cons
September 10th, 2019
When absenteeism, special projects or just wanting to ensure that cultural, technical and productivity objectives will be met by your next hire, temporary engagements and labour hire is a solution that delivers results across workload coverage, project outcomes or your next valuable permanent hire. Youngbrook Recruitment has become a trusted business partner, providing excellent staffing solutions to Queensland and Australian businesses of all sizes for more than twenty-three years. With exte....Read More

5 The Advantages of Temporary Employment and Labour Hire
September 4th, 2019
Whether you’re about to graduate, looking for a career change or recently find yourself seeking that next employment opportunity, temporary employment and labour hire can offer benefits both in the short and long-term. With over twenty-three years of extensive experience in the Australian recruitment sector, we will share with you five important advantages of temporary employment and labour hire you might not have thought about.Increase Your Skill Development while remaining cash flow....
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5 Ways to Make Good First Impressions with Recruiters and Employers
October 23rd, 2018
It is not a new concept that within a few seconds, your potential employer has formed an opinion of you. There are only a few opportunities prior to and after the initial handshake to establish trust and ultimately create a strong relationship with the recruiter or hiring manager. While this may seem quite daunting, trends demonstrate that successful applicants all have a few secrets in common when creating lasting positive impressions with potential employers. Therefore, there is no doubt that ....Read More

Labour Hire Workplace Health and Safety
October 18th, 2018
Youngbrook Recruitment are passionate and proactive about workplace health and safety (WHS) to deliver safe and skilled labour hire and temporary staffing solutions to your company. Our transition to ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management Systems ensures we manage workers’ safety, regulatory requirements, risk management, continuous improvement opportunities and meet customer expectations. Our commitment to safety has seen no WorkCover claims in over two years. This October is National Safe W....Read More

11 Tips on Business Success
May 28th, 2018
What 11 Years of Business Success has Taught Us
This year Youngbrook Recruitment are celebrating our 11th anniversary and have been reflecting on our business success as an industry leader in the Australian recruitment industry across labour hire, temporary staffing solutions and Read More
The Story of Youngbrook Recruitment (2007-2018)
May 2nd, 2018
11 Years of Delivering Quality Candidates and Exceptional Service that Saves Client’s Time and Resources.
Youngbrook Recruitment’s focus on professional value adding in the areas of cost-effective pricing and quality service has seen the company grow from a start-up to an industry leader over the past 11 years. We have secured exclusive contracts with market leaders on major projects and have expanded in Queensland throughout Brisbane, West to the Surat Basin, North to Mackay, and ....Read More

8 Job Interview Tips
March 7th, 2018
You have passed the telephone screening for your dream job, so how do you prepare for the interview? Approaching the job interview with a well-prepared plan will alleviate stress and give you the best chance to land your dream job. Follow our top eight job interview tips to gain an advantage over other candidates, who may have more experience than you.1. Presentation is Key
Always ensure that you are well presented—perhaps obtain one outfit that can be used for all interviews.Keep in Touch With Us
Our responsiveness continues to drive results.
Youngbrook Recruitment
Level 1 / 122 Lytton Road, Bulimba QLD 4171
Phone: (07) 3399 6899
Email: simone@youngbrookrecruitment.com.au, ybr@youngbrookrecruitment.com.au