Boilermakers and Sheet Metal Workers

13 January 2023

Thank you for your interest in this opportunity, this position is now closed.  For further opportunities, please contact our office on 07 3899 6899.

Located in the Western Suburbs & Ipswich

 Who I am and what I am doing:

I have been putting quality Metal Trade Teams together for the past 17 years and again getting 2023 organised for a number of projects we are running.  We are actively recruiting and onboarding our first post shutdown period parcels of work that have rolling starts over the next two weeks.

I promise that I won’t only have you home every night, I will have you home for what matters, have you safe and secure in quality work and teams, pay you weekly, be invested in ensuring you can make some real financial gains while opening the opportunity to have you work with some of the best Tradesman Brisbane has on offer.

Why NOW:  If you are thinking about local work, securing up 2023 and want continuous work that is not affected by weather, the supply of metal and materials, market down-turns or companies winding back then we have it.

Shifts:  Day Shift and Afternoon Shift

Start Date:  Currently offering rolling starts until the 30th of January 2023

Duration of Work:  Project or ongoing, I am offering both

Position and work scope:  Manufacturing conveyor, packaging lines and associated heavy structures (pharmaceutical and food industry)

Pay Schedule:  Weekly directly into your nominated bank account

To secure a start with me:

How to Get Onboard:

APPLY NOW or email your Resume to Simone at or call Simone at the office on 07 3399 6899 or on mobile 0414 433 430.


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